Two, Hot Encodings

Anyone who has gotten their feet wet with Data Science or Classical Machine Learning has come across the concept of One-Hot Encoding. A method of representing non-ordered Categorical data as a vector of zeros and a single one. One-hot encoding is a part of the accepted canon of ML, and is a common step in pre-processing data pipelines. Recently, I had the unexpected luxury of coming across the Mastering Diverse Domains through World Models paper and in it, was introduced to Two-hot encoding, an interesting generalization of one-hot encoding to continuous values. In this work the authors use two-hot encoding as part of the Critic network’s (critic being ~equal to a reward prediction network in their Actor-Critic formulation) loss function. After normalizing rewards across domains with the Symlog transformation, they apply two-hot encoding to discretize reward signals – turning what was a continuous regression problem into Softmax over a binned reward distribution. In my opinion, this simple trick is GANGSTER + worth implementing.

One-Hot Encoding

The typical flow for one-hot encoding looks something like this;

  • We have a categorical feature (think column of data in a Table or Excel Spreadsheet), say “Beverage”
  • That feature has a number of unique values, like: [old fashioned, coffee, makgeolli, water, lychee juice]
  • To more easily mathematize this data for our Linear Algebraic friends, we encode with integers, for one-hot encoding that means an unordered encoding
    • Which boils down to, “old fashioned” is no better or worse than “lychee juice” – it is just different, which means encoding these variables as 1 and 2 implies a relationship that is not technically valid (the thing encoded as 2 is “greater than” the thing encoded as 1)

For this toy beverage example, a native python implementation might look something like follows:

unique_beverages = ["old fashioned", "coffee", "makgeolli", "water", "lychee juice"]

def one_hot_encode(x: str):
    """ One-Hot Encode a beverage name according to the unique beverages set """
    idx = unique_beverages.index(x)
    encoded = [] #empty list for the vals
    for i in range(len(unique_beverages)):
        if i == idx:
    return encoded

Which for makgeolli, would return the vector [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] – all values being zero except for the position corresponding to our instance’s categorical value, which is one.

Two-Hot Encoding

To generalize one-hot encoding, we need to discretize a continuous space. Something like “tastiness” might be scored on an infinite scale – mid items like lukewarm chicken soup having tastiness=0.01 and tastier items like chicken nanban having tastiness=102.3

  • To Discretize a continuous space, we bin it, here I will do equidistant bins, but there might be some value in non-equidistance (really tasty things are all one bin, but moderately tasty and tasty are two separate bins)
  • For the sake of this example, say the space of continuous tastiness values will be split into 5 bins
two_hot_bins = [-5, -1, 0, 1, 5] #5 in this toy case

def two_hot_encode(x: float):
    """ Two-Hot Encode a tastiness score, assuming a sorted list of bins """
    encoded = [0 for i in range(5)]

    # Find Lower Bin Index for our x value
    for i in range(len(two_hot_bins)):
        if (two_hot_bins[i] <= x) and (two_hot_bins[i+1] >= x):
            b_lower, b_upper = two_hot_bins[i], two_hot_bins[i+1] #bins encircling our continuous value
            bl_idx, bu_idx = i, i+1
            # Calculate Distances from x to nearest bins, closer ~= higher "probability"
            lower_dist = x - b_lower
            upper_dist = b_upper - x #since negative dist
            total_dist = lower_dist + upper_dist
            lower_prob, upper_prob = lower_dist/total_dist, upper_dist/total_dist

            encoded[bl_idx], encoded[bu_idx] = upper_prob, lower_prob #assign closest val highest "prob"

        # Smaller than Smallest bin value
        elif two_hot_bins[0] > x:
            encoded[0] = 1

        # Greater than Largest bin value
        elif two_hot_bins[-1] < x:
            encoded[-1] = 1

    return encoded

Which for a tastiness value of 0.1, would return the vector [0, 0, 0.9, 0.1, 0], for a tastiness value of 1.2 would return a rounded [0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0.049] and for the value -1231 (probably tastiness of oysters) would return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0].

Super Cool!