
Items of interest which have brought me joy, may you find joy in them as well!

I was not really around for the late 90s or early 2000s internet, but it sounds like a cool place and to contribute to making today’s internet a cooler place here is a personally curated list of tools.

  • Alacritty – is a cross-platform, GPU accelerated terminal emulator. It can be configured beyond your heart’s desire (one example of this extensibility being the removal of window decorations on MacOS, very sleek) + it is extremely snappy, which matters if you like to be Blazingly fast
  • catppuccin – is at it’s simplest, a lovely pastel theme. I reckon that it goes beyond being a simple palette of colors, becoming an tasteful approach to productivity.
  • Goyo (고요) – ‘distraction-free’ writing in Vim, a nice way to get colored spellcheck, line wrapping and a focused writing experience in the Terminal. “Goyo” is Korean and roughly translates to “to do”
  • Things3 – yes it exists only for the Apple Ecosystem, but it has a nearly perfect handle on the abstraction of Task Management (and isn’t having the right abstraction kind of everything?)
  • Magnet – My main machine is a MacBook, and I got into using magnet several years ago. I continue to use Magnet because I really enjoy the bindings and have not gone down the BSP rabbit hole just yet. Some other window managers for MacOS I think are interesting are Yabai and Rectangle – on Linux the one I have used stably is OpenBox.
  • HHKB2 – absolutely awesome and sounds lovely